Sermon: An Experiment in Religious Service & the Geological Divine

Sermon was an immersive, participatory gathering exploring the geological divine. Playing in the space between religious service and performance art, the piece was presented at the Center for Performance Research as part of their OpenLab series.

Working in collaboration with the audience, we transcended the intellectual and awakened the body subconscious. Through hypnotic visuals, kaleidoscopic sound and meditative narration, we entered into a trance state. We led participants on a journey of descent through the floor of the theatre, past the soil, past the groundwater, past the sand, past the silt – until finally we reached the bedrock – that ancient presence who makes this city, with its towering buildings and bridges, possible. For this project, we worked with stones from the Palisades Cliffs of New Jersey – stones that are hundreds of millions of years old.

Materials: Rocks from Palisades Cliffs, ice, cooler, space heater, candles

Partners Eco
Photography Elyse Mertz

Location Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn, NY
Year 2024